Lead With Who You Are

The Platform Map- Part 1

Episode Summary

Know your voice, lead with it. In this episode of Lead With Who You Are, Dia shares a preview of The Platform Map; a 4 part framework to help you develop a more impactful, confident voice as a leader in your domain, in your organization, and in your industry.

Episode Notes

Know your voice, lead with it. In this episode, Dia shares 2 of the 4 components of The Platform Map, a framework for helping develop a powerful high impact and confident voice as a leader in your domain, in your organization, and in your industry. 

You’ll hear how to develop the first 2 components; purpose and person, which includes your purpose statement and your founder/leader story as a strategic asset.

Check out Dia Bondi’s upcoming all-women cohort retreat, The Intensive, and join the waitlist.

Check out all things Dia Bondi here.


Episode Transcription


Dia Bondi00:19

Hi everyone, this is Lead With Who You Are. I'm Dia Bondi and on this show we explore and discover what it truly means to lead with who you are. And we're doing it with people who embody just that. But today, we do not have a guest. I will be talking to you about The Platform Map, which is the framework for helping you, leaders and founders speak powerfully and to feel and be more in control of your leadership voice. If you're interested in communication skills tied to where to put your hands when you're on stage, or how to use a dramatic pause, you're actually in the wrong place. Because in my 20 years of doing this work, around helping folks speak powerfully at really critical moments, that stuff doesn't really matter. If you don't start with this question, which is, who are you? And what are you about. And then from there, you can build a foundation for your voice, so you can use it as a strike point for your leadership, or instead of just as a tool for transacting information, I'm going to share with you exactly what I mean by giving you a taste of the platform map, which is sort of the it's a four part framework that underpins all of the communications work I do, and taking you through the first two components. But first, I want to say thank you, for folks who are listening. And for folks who have stuck around, we've moved to the show. If you haven't noticed, we've moved the show to a new format. It used to be the Deobandi show a big podcast for women with goals tied to project asked like an auctioneer, and we've relaunched it and retitled it as lead with who you are. So, we could have a bigger container for the conversations we really want to be having with you and with people in our network. And in our world. We want to be sharing perspectives that are tied to that container, and really anchor the show on our foundational and fundamental philosophy, which is that you are your most powerful when you speak from who you truly are. But before we get into the platform map, I want to do a quick sort of announcement. So for those of you who are new, this might be new information. For those of you who've been around for a while. You all know that in 2019, I launched a project ask like an auctioneer to teach you how to ask for more and get it I'm using everything I learned from my impact hobby of fundraising auctioneering for women led nonprofits and nonprofits that benefit women and girls, which I do pro bono just a few times a year now. So we launched Project to ask like an auctioneer with a goal to help a million women ask for more and get it and use asking as a success strategy. And it started out just as a keynote and workshop where we share the core ideas and strategies from the world of auctioneering to help you ask for more and get it and we brought that work to really great audiences, groups, initiatives and events at places like Google's X team, Dropbox Latinas, in tech, Facebook, before it was meta, and many more communities. And guess what, I'm finally writing the book. And we actually have a published date. So you can go to ask like an auctioneer.com. To see the book, the book cover, which is now designed and get on the list to be notified. When it's up for pre order. It won't be until fall of 2023. But I'm so thrilled that we actually have a book cover and update I wanted to share it with you today at the end of 2022. I'm super excited. At this moment of recording I the manuscript is in the hands of the publishers editor. And I can already tell it's something we're going to be really, really proud of. So you might be wondering how is asked like an auctioneer leading with who you are? Well, the book is a super fun, energetic fast read around how you can use the mental models, ideas and strategies from the world of auctioneering to help you ask for more and get it so you can reach your goals faster. But it's full of frameworks, swipe files, you know things you can just copy and paste if you need to stories and ideas and strategies to help you ask for more and get it actually in your own voice. The whole idea of the book is to help empower the asks that you make in a way that's meaningful to you so that they can materially help you reach your goals on your own terms and in your own voice. So when you ask like an auctioneer you are leading with who you are and using asking as a success strategy to help you do that. And I cannot wait for you to read it. Alright, let's talk platform map. Hey, just a quick reminder, you can subscribe to this show on your podcast platform of choice. We're live nearly everywhere. And you can always listen to the show at DIA bondi.com. If there's a leader or innovator in your life, who is at their shiniest when they lead with who they truly are, Please share the show with them. And rate, subscribe, and leave us a review makes a huge difference in the reach that the show has, when you let everyone else know what you love about the show. Thanks so much. Okay, so let's talk about the platform map. So what is the platform map? The platform map is actually, I mean, at its heart, it is an outcome of the 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of coaching sessions I've done over my communications and leadership, communications, coaching work and teaching. It is not something I made up on my own and then dropped on the heads of my clients. It's something that was produced or sort of, as I said, an outcome of the 1000s of conversations I've had with founders, and leaders, ambitious professionals across industries, when they come to me to go How do I take control of my voice? How do I speak more powerfully? How do I have more impact in a room, and that this platform map turns out is basically four components that build a framework you can use to build the foundation of your leadership voice, so that you can do things like distinguish your voice from your organization's voice, and more elegantly fit in and lend your unique voice to the organization or venture you're leading, whether it's yours, or you're an in house professional brought in to lead a function or an initiative, you can more confidently put together content that is aligned to who you are, and serves the organization, or initiative you're leading. You can build trust quickly, you could do things like remember who you are, and use that to inform your content decisions, your storytelling decisions, communication strategies, and how you show up at really critical high stakes communications moments. It can help us as your audience, as your, as your colleagues know, why you in a particular moment. And that's particularly important for founders who are now leading bigger teams, raising VC funds, or, you know, helping the world understand what they're doing and why they're the one to do it. And lastly, so you can lead with who you are, and use your voice as a strike point for your leadership. I said that earlier, not just a tool to transact information. So founders and leaders come to me because they want to get quote, unquote, better at communicating, and I can't talk skills with them, until I understand who they are, who are you, because that helps us know, when you're speaking in a way that is aligned to who you are. And lets us know what we're actually going for. We know when something hits, if we first understand really clearly Who are you so that we can align your communications with your authentic self. And we need to know what we're going for there. And before we get into the platform app, though, I want to define for you our at DIA Bondi communications definition of mastery in communication. So in my world, mastery includes three things. I know you are masterful when you are one, speaking from the heart, I can tell you are speaking in a way that is aligned to who you actually are. You can call that authenticity, you can call that alignment, you can call that being real. Either way. I know you're actually saying what you mean, that's one. The second component of mastery is I know you are masterful or have an experience of you, being masterful or you I can tell as your coach that you're on your path to mastery if you are in control in the moment. And that doesn't mean in control of the moment. Controlling the moment is to say, no matter what's happening in the room, whether it's a large audience or a board room, or a moment where you're challenged with difficult questions, you have a sense of staying aligned to who you are, and staying in control in that moment. So you continue to speak from a place that is authentically you. That sense of control is what a lot of folks come to me for and it is really important for us to feel when we feel more in control, we can actually be more in control in those moments. We can feel more confident about our voices, and we can use them with more purpose and intention. And then the third component of mastery the way in which I Define mastery is that you're actually having an impact on me. And, and bonus points if that impact that you're having on me as a listener is also the impact that you want to be having. So mastery includes those three things. Are you speaking from who you actually are? Is it clear to me that you're speaking from the heart to? Are you? Are you in control in the moment? And three? Are you actually having an impact on me? Now notice, perfection? Isn't there never stumbling over your words, isn't there absolute robotic polish, not, they're never getting stuck, not there. There are moments where you get stuck, but you can be in control in your stuckness and say, Hmm, that stumped me and park it for later, or address it a different way that it doesn't completely take you off track. This is not about perfection. This is a more dynamic definition of how we think about you being masterful and using your voice as a strike point for your own leadership. So now that we've got that clear, knowing that that's what we're going for, when I'm working with you, or anyone around deploying your developed platform map into the stories that you tell in the world into the ways that you show up in a ballroom giving a keynote or a boardroom giving an update. The first component of the platform map is about developing your purpose platform statement. It's understanding, what are you doing here? And I'm not talking about your job description. I'm talking about the role you play in the world the role you play in the room? Are you someone who's always a quarterback? Are you someone who is a peacekeeper? Are you someone who helps others see themselves more powerfully? Are you someone who is always naming the elephant in the room courageously and making it possible for other people to talk about hard things? Are you the truth teller? Like what is the purpose of your participation, the purpose that you serve in any single moment? Now, when we think about purpose, we're not defining it for the future, we actually in the platform that will look backwards over the course of your life and identify what are the peak moments in your life moments where you feel like who you are, and where you are in perfect alignment, that you're exactly where you're supposed to be. It is a moment where you are at your most alive, even when it's a quiet moment, we're gonna look back, and we're gonna harvest from those experiences, what it was about those moments that were really important to you? What were the instigators that made them happen, what were you wanting, before you arrived in that moment, and use that to understand what kind of purpose you carry with you no matter where you go. Now, when you develop the platform map with us, we have a you know, a multi step process will take you through to get to what we call a purpose platform statement, which includes two components, I am or I am here to, and then an impact component. So that I am here to so that and you can even use a metaphor. So I have I've had clients before who say I am a volcano, so that and then they fill in the blank. So you can use a metaphor, this is not publishable content. This is a way in which for you to name and claim, the purpose that you serve in any given moment, and what you bring into a room so that we can use it as a guiding light as a guidepost even in in recognizing when you are speaking from the heart and when you might not be that first component of mastery. So that is what the purpose component of the platform is all about. And without walking you right now through all of the steps to develop a full on purpose platform statement. I will offer you though this one prompt for you to think about purpose outside of your job description. And the question is, what am I doing, no matter what I'm doing? This is the way to reflect on it doesn't matter what job I've had. I'm always that again, truth teller in the room. It doesn't matter what role or how many, you know, who I've managed, I've always been the person that people come to, for to to support and coaching or it doesn't matter what I've done, whether I'm coaching my son's soccer team, or if I'm working in an early stage startup. I'm always the framework person that helps build frameworks for other people so that they can think more independently about a particular problem. So what is it that you're doing, no matter what you're doing, and that will give you a clue to your own purpose state. it. So once we have an idea of your purpose platform statement, which by the way is the first place I start, even in short term one on one like backstage coaching engagements, which I don't do very often anymore, but this is the first thing I have to understand who are you? What are you here to do outside of your job description, and then I'll know whether that's coming through. Through in the script or the story, you might be telling the examples, you're, you're using the way in which that you're, the narrative is unfolding in front of me, in your communications moment. So once we have this first component of the platform, map, your purpose platform statement, we can use it to inform and guide content, we can use it to remind us about the impact you're looking to have and call you out and call you forth. When you are playing small being off purpose, or maybe need to recenter on your own authentic voice. So you can speak from it. That's that first part of the of the mastery definition that we know you're speaking from who you are. So part one purpose. The second part of the platform map we call person, this is your founder, leader, origin story, but not as a tour through the past, it's not when I was 12, I did this and when I was 15, I did this and I went to this college and I created this you know, it is not a it is not a historical walk through sequentially have your first this happened, then that happened. Instead, it's a more useful, rich founder or leader origin story that actually starts first with who you are, then shares your brag bubbles, then shares your accomplishments, the things you are most proud of the things are recognized by the world as evidence of who you are. So like the purpose platform statement, your origin story will have two components. And again, we're not making this up out of thin air, we're going to look back in your life and notice in the things that you have accomplished that you're most proud of both inside and outside of your professional or academic life. What were the drivers that pushed you towards those accomplishments, whether they are publicly recognizable accolades and awards you've received, whether it was a marathon you completed, you know, in the middle of your life, or whether it was an academic challenge or recognition that you received at a certain time in your life, we're going to look back and understand what were the drivers that pushed you toward those accomplishments. And from that, we're going to be able to identify a statement that tells us who you are. For an example, I've had clients who have said to me, you know, I've always been driven by a pioneering spirit. Ah, that's who you are. And then that is evidenced by the accomplishments that client has done, you can see that pioneering spirit alive in the five or six or eight or three key accomplishments that they can that they can name in their lives, that work as credibility builders to the audience's that they're speaking to. I've had other clients, I had one client who said to me, that she had always been turned on by the impossible. What a beautiful way to set up the second half of her founder origin story, which is to say, that is why I and then filling in her handful of brag bubbles, that before the who I am statement felt like just a brag sheet. And now feel like they have the context for why she's sharing them because they are evidence of who she is not just shiny metals. So once we have this second component, we can use that founder origin story or your leader origin story as a more strategic asset to you. So that you have on the tip of your tongue, a way to speak to who you are in such a way that we can quickly connect with you more and more meaningfully and more and more insightful way and in a more impactful way. And this puts you more in control of your narrative, the impact of your story, and helps you share who you are because that is actually what we want. So without going through all of the steps to develop eight final origin story framework for this component of the platform. I will offer you though somebody to consider like we did for the purpose statement, which is, as you look back over the accomplishments, the things that you are proud of in your life, and your academic or athletic career. What could you say was a common driver for all of those accomplish Schmitz. If there was one common drought, you might have many drivers. But what is one that feels common to all of those accomplishments. So this first two components of the platform, map purpose and person are really critical components of helping you have a more powerful voice. To help inform how you show up to the scripts, you write for yourself to the critical communications moments where you have to build trust and create alignment very quickly from a place that is aligned to who you actually are. And for more on the platform map, you can actually go to our website deobandi.com. And click on the intensive, which is our small cohort-based leadership communications experience we host a few times a year. And you can see the other two components of the platform map. It is the way we help you lead with who you are. And to have clarity on how to do that with and in your own voice. It's about bringing you forward and tying your business strategy together with your leadership voice in a way that makes meaning for you. And for the people you lead. And the industry is you're having an impact on and building in. And so I'll turn our regular question that we complete with our guests on this podcast on to you, which is what does it mean for you to lead with who you are?


Have a great week everyone wherever you are. 


Lead With Who You Are is a production of Dia Bondi Communications, scored, mixed and produced by Arthur Leon Adams, the third and executive produced by Mandy Miranda, you can reach out to us at hello@diabandi.com or leave us a voicemail at 341-333-2997 


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