Lead With Who You Are

Final Episode of the 2023 Year

Episode Summary

Dia answers questions from her book launch audience and offers you a set of questions to reflect on your year and look forward to what’s next. It’s a look back and a look forward so you can lead the next chapter with who you are.

Episode Notes

In this episode Dia answers questions from her book launch audience and offers you a set of questions to reflect on your year and look forward to what’s next. 

So, to wrap the year, here are a few questions for you using a look back/look forward framework:

On looking back: 

Look Forward:

From what do you draw your power?

We hope that with this and all our other episodes you can fill your toolbox with frameworks, ideas and perspectives that help you lead with who you are in 2024.

Check out all things Dia Bondi here.

Episode Transcription

Arthur  00:00

If the thought of making a really big ask is literally terrifying, how do I get past this?


Dia Bondi  00:09

This is a terrible answer. And it's kinda like, get don't, you let yourself be terrified, and you friggin do it anyway.


Arthur  00:18

that's what the zone of freaking out is about.


Dia Bondi  00:19

100% You're like, this is so terrifying. And then you write the email and you send it while you're being terrified. Hey, everyone, its Lead With Who You Are. I'm Dia Bondi. And on this show, we explore and discover what it means to truly lead with who you are. It from so many perspectives and in so many different ways with experts on people who embody just that and sometimes with just me and baby Arthur in this episode is going to be just you and me and baby Arthur Baby A what's gonna happen today?


Arthur  01:12

Yeah, hi, DIA. How's it going? Hey, everybody. So you had a book launch event last month. And at that event, you had a little box where people could submit questions. And during the event, you answered two or three of them during the q&a, but we have a bunch more. And so I thought it would be fun to ask you some of these questions and have, you know, go back and forth about that.


Dia Bondi  01:32

All right, great. And then after that, I prepared a set of questions for you, my dear listeners, that will help you maybe take a look at what was important in the last year and what is important for you in this next year, and give you something to reflect on that can help you lead with who you are in the coming 12 months.


Arthur  01:50

Nice. Let's get into it.


Dia Bondi  01:56

Hey, just a quick reminder, you can subscribe to this show on your podcast platform of choice. We're live nearly everywhere. And you can always listen to the show at diabondi.com. If there's a leader or innovator in your life, who is it their shiniest when they lead with who they truly are, Please share the show with them. And rate subscribe, and leave us a review makes a huge difference in the reach that the show has when you let everyone else know what you love about the show. Thanks so much.  You love audio. Right? That's why you're here right now. We'll ask like an auctioneer. The audio book is available now on Audible, or wherever you get your audio books have a long road trip coming up a flight or maybe your daily dog walk needs a new soundtrack. Get asked like an auctioneer in your queue. You won't regret it. It has jokes in it. Kinda learn to act like an auctioneer with me right in your headphones. Let's get into it.  So last month, yes, I had our book launch for us like an auctioneer. It was great at that club. It was so much fun. We had a four song dance party five, five song dance party five song dance party at the very end. It was hosted at Kala Art Institute, which was so awesome. And it was really fun. And Maria Ross, who kind of emceed the book reading and q&a part. grabbed out of this, ask me anything box folks put questions in there. And offered, as you said in the intro offered a few of them to me. And I thought, you know, I'm happy to expand that conversation to lead with who you are. So here we are.


Arthur  03:39

Yeah, that's great. Okay, well, I got the questions here. And we'll just go through them. And, you know, see where we go. Okay, let's see, let's see what happens. Now this one? I'm I know, I know the answer to this question, because I've been around since the beginning of this idea. And I'm sure that it's in the book. But the question here from one of the guests at the at the book launch is, how long did it take you to develop this framework and write the book, right?


Dia Bondi  04:07

So for folks who are listening for the first time, this framework is the framework of what it means to ask like an auctioneer and the nine ideas to help you in fact, find the courage and conviction to do it. And the answer is, I feel like it's like, all in all, I could probably say five years. I think when people say, Oh, it took me five years to write this book. I've always been like, Huh, what? You know, that's just sort of a top line way of saying maybe from idea to getting totally done. For me writing the book was really a solid year of focused work and working with an editor and all that stuff. Couple of four years leading up to being ready to because the idea of the model and if for those of you get the book or go to ask like an auctioneer.com you can see There's a download and I think for the for the Zoho ideas in there, you can grab and see what we mean by what we mean by us like an auctioneer, like that model hit me in an instant I wrote it down, like on a tiny piece of paper next to my bedside table. And then I spent, you know, three or four years developing. The idea was to see if it worked, what questions people had, you know, just kind of developed it in the open before I was ready to write the book. So


Arthur  05:24

yeah, I mean, I feel like you didn't even know it was a book at first.


Dia Bondi  05:27

Well, here's the kind of funny thing I went to go sit. I like the idea hit me. And maybe I said it to you. Maybe a are like I shared with it shared it, the idea with folks at our sort of co working creative space that we were shared at that time. Before we went to Pandora, which is sort of our free our first keynote trial that we went to, I had gone out to you have a face to face coaching session with a woman named MJ Ryan, around, like what to do with the sort of core ideas and IP and sort of main thrust in my communications business. And in the conversation, we were like, well, I have this thing called the 21 things. Maybe there's something there. How about my approach to this, maybe there's something there that we can kind of expand she she owned a publishing company for a long time. And I said, Look, I in that conversation, we weren't landing on anything that had a lot of fire. And I was like, like, do this other weird idea. I'm J. And she was like, what? And I shared it with her. I said, it's this thing called Ask like an auctioneer. She didn't even need to know the explanation. She was like, THAT is a book.


Arthur  06:36

 Yeah, it's a book title. Right? Right there. Yeah,


Dia Bondi  06:38

exactly. Like, I got a little charge from that. And I put that in my back pocket. And I was like, let me see if these ideas even matter. Because I liked the I liked the idea of testing things with audiences. So you know, what resonates? and what doesn't? What's missing from the idea needs to get developed to make it a full package. Yeah, so you know, I did kind of know that it should be a book someday. Yeah. But I didn't know it was going to happen. And now it's now it's here. But the thing that whole process revealed to me is, now I know how I write books. Yeah, you know, I like have an idea, I test the heck out of it, develop it with audiences. And then by the time it's time to write the book, all I'm doing basically is writing down all of what I learned in that process, instead of having the book writing process B, the way I'm developing the ideas, I think some authors do it. That second way, right, where the writing of the book is the way to develop the ideas. Totally. Yeah. So now I have an approach, I realized I actually really liked writing books. And I kind of understand that it's probably like, three years. That was five years ago, but my first one, but probably like three years per project two years developing the ideas and maybe one year to write it.


Arthur  07:50

Right. Yeah. Cool. Cool.


Dia Bondi  07:53

So the first question, baby A.


Arthur  07:55

yeah, and these were all anonymous. So we can't thank the people that, that put them in, but it was someone that was at your book launch? Yeah. Here's another one. I actually think you answered this one at the launch. But I think it's a good question. And maybe the audience would like to hear. If you could go back in time to when you started the book project, what's one piece of advice you'd give yourself? And then conversely, if you go forward in time, what's one thing you want your future self to remember? Oh, that's about the process.


Dia Bondi  08:23

Okay, the first half, what advice would I give myself? I think, for one, I think maybe this is how I answered it at the book launch party, which is like to trust my gut on process. You know, there, you know, there were little whispers in my brain that was like, maybe you're wasting time, you know, continuing to do this, and not just focusing on getting the book proposal done. But now, I realized that there was so much wisdom in that for me, because by the time I sat down the proposal itself, for folks who have worked with a publisher who are listening, you know, getting a book published with a traditional publisher means you gotta write a proposal. Most of the time, I mean, there might be, you know, as a first time author, heading into the publishing world, like you're writing a proposal that mine was, like, 65 pages long, you know, you'd like an outline of sort of a top line idea of each chapter, how you'd organize it, a full sample chapter, it's all the stuff. So I really, you know, I recognize now that I need those years, you know, in front of audiences to develop the idea so that I can trust my take on something. And I have a lot of examples of where something works as fodder for, for the chapters, the teaching chapters. So just trust my gut with that. I think that's a big piece of advice. You know, today I was on a coaching call with a client and we were really it was sort of a completion call. We've working together for a couple of months. We knew we were heading into our last call of our engagement, and we were talking about this idea that You know, a lot of my clients in my communications work will ask me like, how do I, and then fill in the blank? Around? Yeah, really critical communications moments. And well, what they mean by how do i is like, how does one, you know, like, what's the best practice? How do I do this? And then I'll try to rise to the occasion of doing that. And well, that can be useful. The more useful question is like, I don't know, how do you, because what makes one of my clients successful? Or how might how they might prep for something, or the way in which they want to collaborate with their writing teams, or whatever it is, is really different than somebody else. So I think what I have to do is trust that I developed a process and that I for myself, I understand it, and I'm gonna trust my gut going forward in any future projects I have. Right, what the second half of the question, Can


Arthur  10:49

I Can I ask a follow up, though? So when you say you give that advice is that because a lot of the second guessing that your brain was doing was causing it to be less pleasurable or less effective as it would have been? Or


Dia Bondi  11:03

I think what it does, it just causes me to spend mental cycles that are unnecessary? Yep. Totally. You know, it's like 20% of my energy is spent trying to not listen to that saboteur voice, right? And you know, that saboteur voice is never gonna go away completely. But it certainly can turn the volume down on it.


Arthur  11:22

Yep. Cool. And then the second half is, if you go forward in time, what's one thing you want your future self to remember? And it's probably the same answer. It is,


Dia Bondi  11:31

it's trust your voice, a trust her trust your, your gut around how you approach these problems. But also, like, it's a little bit friggin go for it. If you recognize that there's a there's an idea out there that is working and is resonant. And with my sort of inclination, and bias toward action helps people get into action around the things I want to enable for other folks or with other folks. Like, go for it. You know? Yeah, go for it.


Arthur  12:01

Nice. All right. Let's see. Let's do another one. Let's rock. Okay. This one's less this one's more advice that is probably found in the book or could be expanded upon from the book. What happens if I make a big ask and they give me what I asked for without any pushback? Does that mean I should have asked for more?


Dia Bondi  12:22

The answer is yes. But also


Arthur  12:25

 good for you, right?


Dia Bondi  12:26

Yeah, congratulate yourself, you know, you didn't fail. That's the whole point of our second auctioneer. You know, I tell everyone, you should want to get a no and then negotiate down. You should ask big enough that you get to know. And if you haven't, you've probably left something on the table. That doesn't mean if you get an instant, yes. That you failed. You could be like, Oh, my goodness, I got an instant. Yes, I probably left something on the table. But chances are because I aim for no. I got more than I would have. If I've inferred Yes. So it's a reason to celebrate. I just want everyone to get pushed up into the right when it matters. That's all. Yeah. Yeah. So be happy for yourself. Don't worry, be happy for yourself. Yeah, don't beat yourself up. Just like don't beat yourself up.


Arthur  13:13

Don't learn the wrong lesson from the Ask until you get to know that's just a framework for asking as big as you can. But if you get a yes for everything you ever wanted, then you don't have to think Oh, shit, I could have gotten more.


Dia Bondi  13:26

Absolutely, absolutely. Like, did you get more than you would have asked for last time or without this mental model? Yes. Great. Good for you. You know, like, I in the same moments I've asked so big just unlike some contracts and stuff that I did last year is so big that I thought I was gonna get a no, I got a yes. And for a second. I was like, oh, no, that means I left something on the table. Yeah, simultaneous that I'm like, Oh my gosh, look at what we just made happen. So just Yeah, yeah, we do enough beating up of ourselves that we did it wrong. Forget it.


Arthur  13:56

Yeah. Okay, here's another one. That's, that's more about asking, and the stuff that's in the book. How do you keep an ask on track if someone keeps derailing you or being emotional? about it?


Dia Bondi  14:10

I was on a podcast last week and you know, people think they're just gonna get a hard no. And then it's, everything's gonna die. But like nose don't usually come to you when you make a big ask. Like in that direct of a package. Sometimes it you know, you get strung along or what I like to call is like bread crumbs, you know, not now. Not yet. No, no, totally. But also people have feelings. Yeah, I mean, people get emotional because guess what, when you ask for more, and you're putting somebody in a position where they can't just make a super easy, yes, they may actually have to say no to you, and that can be confronting for them. Like have a little empathy for what it means on the other side of the table. You No, or for example, you know, we do this a lot some of the projects, you and I have run together a BBA, where we write proposals that go to our point of contact inside of an organization. And sometimes the number or the scope of the project, or what we want to do with them feels really big and scary to that person that then has to go pitch it to their executive, like don't assume, even though they might be the person delivering the yes or no to me, notice that you're when you make an ask of them, they're having to go pitch it to their people. And not everyone is as comfortable with going as big as you are. Or not everyone has the idea of the Zoho and has tools to help them get into it.


Arthur  15:38

Well, that's a really important thing is that a lot of times the person you're asking, that's just one level above you, or whatever. Is not the person that's actually saying yes or no, they're the delivery mechanism for saying yes or no to you. But it's going away up the committee somewhere.


Dia Bondi  15:55

Yeah, I mean, when we, when we push up against what's expected of ourselves, we can get our own emotions, we push up against what other people expect, they can have a motion, so I guess don't make their emotions wrong. Now, on the on the, on the flip side, you don't want to be flung around by their emotions, either. And if it's either too emotional, and you need to be the first one to go like, hey, look, Is this too big? What if this because you can feel that while they're not saying no, they're flailing enough or having enough of an emotional response? That, you know, it's it's a clue to, that they want to say no and can't or they're struggling with the decision, whatever it might be? Like, help them out? Right? Let them know if you're open to discussing something else. So they don't have to give you that. And oh, word before you'll have a discussion, like use all your senses to see what's going on or an or, you know, interpret what's going on? And then secondly, if they're flailing so hard, not able to say no, they're bread crumbing you and having continued emotions, or like, sort of combative around it, right? You get to also say, I will take this as a no, even if you've negotiated down to the absolute maximum you would say yes to and they're still not pushing it over the line, and still being emotional to a degree that is actually disruptive in the conversation or in the relationship. You get to take that as like, you cannot handle this. You get to take that as a no you get to step away. They can take that as a hard No. Absolutely. Like they can't handle it. For what


Arthur  17:30

Yeah, because I wonder if something in this question is about you know, that their emotional, be cut for whatever reason, but sometimes that can come out as, like, how dare you ask for that? Like, I don't even have that. Or I, you know, I had to work. You know, I didn't ask for that when I was in your position or you know, there's a lot of shit that people have going on in their own heads and you can't know what they're gonna. What they're how they're going to react.


Dia Bondi  17:57

Yeah, that people are irrational. Exactly. You know, you can't let you know their rationale for what they'll say yes or no to is not yours. And you have to like hold enough. You have to hold a big enough space and container to let them have their reaction and not a not I don't know not have that also overcome you people are allowed to have their feelings. Yeah, you don't have to stand next to it if you don't want to.


Arthur  18:23

Alright, hit me with another one. Okay. The thought of making a really big ask is literally terrifying. How do I get past this?


Dia Bondi  18:31

I? This is a terrible answer. And it's kinda like you don't? Right, let yourself be terrified. And you friggin do it anyway.


Arthur  18:42

That's what the Zone of Freaking Out is about.


Dia Bondi  18:44

100%. You're like, this is totally This is so terrifying. And then you write the email and you send it while you're being terrified.


Arthur  18:56

Yeah, yeah, that's the thing you don't get over the terror like that's don't let that be a block. Just be terrified.


Dia Bondi  19:04

Right so I guess maybe that's the unlock right? Is that like, one way you can? What do they say get over it? Or do they say how do they not? Yes, I think you you get past it by not expecting you get past it by embracing it. You get and when when you say past there's two interpretations I get from that. Given all the questions I get when I'm out on the road doing as like an auctioneer is like does past mean how do I get that feeling goat to go away? Or does past mean how do I act? How do I how do I not stop myself from acting? Right and I can't promise that that feeling is ever going to go away because our asks grow with us like everything we do grows with us what used to seem like a big deal. Like for me to get in front of 30 people in a room used to feel like a big deal. Now getting in front of 1000 feels almost like a Big deal, right? So we're always moving toward the thing that is scary as we grow, right? Yeah.


Arthur  20:06

I mean, the whole thing is, is and you know, obviously this person will read, read your book and find out about the zolfo and all that. But the idea isn't to get past the terrifying it's to go to be within the space. Tha t is terrifying. You get past it by getting her answer. Exactly. You


Dia Bondi  20:25

get past it by doing it getting to the other side of it,


Arthur  20:29

but you didn't get past getting terrified every time you make an ask. You just you get past that stage of it. That's


Dia Bondi  20:37

right. I think that's I think that's right. And what I'm really i It's kind of a funny thing. And I like I said, people are allowed to have an earlier question, like people are allowed to have feelings. And I'm like, You have feelings. Your feelings and your actions don't always need to line up perfectly. So the fact that you're terrified? Should not you don't have to use that as an indication that you're not ready. The question is, are you prepared? Because you can be both prepared and terrified at the same time? So there you go. Yeah. Mic drop on that one.


Arthur  21:14

Yeah. This one's a little more abstract. And you actually answered this one at the book launch, too, but it seemed like it really was residents a resident question for you. So I'm gonna ask it again. What role has the ocean played in your career?


Dia Bondi  21:28

This question was so surprising. I mean, a lot of my friends were there, and they know that I talk and complain and unpack and, you know, like, about the time I've spent in my life in a very cold and. And overpowering and life threatening, and commanding and beautiful northern California ocean. Yeah, an unfriendly and very compelling environment. And I was such as I'm so curious and never found out that night, I should have walked around going like, did you ask that question? Was that your question? I couldn't tell from the I don't even think I looked at the handwriting because Maria was the one that pulled all these questions from the box. But it's so as folks are like, what? So yes, I spent my childhood in a family and family friendship group that were all sort of part of the Northern California surfing community. And what that meant was, you know, I was paddling into a cold ocean, just because that's what my family did from very early days. I don't think I really served warm water until much later. It was always like the kind of the ice cream headache kind of cold water in Northern California. Oh, yeah. Yes. And it's Sharky. And and it even when it looks small, and for those of you who are listening, who are Northern California surfers, like what are you talking about? Do you this easy like you just pedalo like, Barbara. Yeah, exactly. Like just get the pocket. I mean, that's fine for you. But you know, growing up with some expectation around getting in something regularly, that was extremely frightening for me. And I maybe didn't resist or didn't communicate how scary and how much I kind of didn't like it but also wanted to like it. And then sometimes I did like it when I when you know when we would find these just incredible days where the surf was big and cold, but the sun was out or, you know, where we would walk across these bluffs and hike down these these cliffs carrying mine my dad's surfboards or boogie boards or whatever we are taking with us with nobody around. It decreases opportunities for these like overwhelmingly beautiful, gnarly experiences, like I just even took up talking about it. And well, I don't paddle into surf any more. There's something although you know, sometimes when we are in and around the ocean where this makes sense, I do have a stand up paddleboard that I've that I've paddled out using it, you know, in places like Santa Cruz and others where the water is still cold, but not nearly freezing. The surface still there, but not so big that you feel overwhelmed and scared. But I've managed to paddle myself into like big, I don't know even what you call them, but big groups of dolphin, which is kind of wild. I've encountered, you know, large sea animals in the North Coast accidentally that were a surprise and a thrill at all at the same time. You know, I think the role that it played for me was, it was one of the things that felt so overwhelmingly powerful for me, this, the smallness that it would make me feel, well, sometimes scary, there was also sort of a, now that I'm older, like a great relief, like when I need to feel space and smallness, I can go to the ocean and get that I can even look at it now and go, Oh, that thing could kill me tomorrow, you know, it's just as like this grandness about it. And then also just the amount of like, grit I had to use, when I got in it, of this, like being able to be really in control and make decisions about paddling this way or that way, or ducking under a wave or, you know, like wave knowledge, like being in control, but also having to constantly give up control, because that's how you get hurt when you get hit by a big wave as you need to need to relax and let yourself float to the top. So it's just this interesting dance between engaging in something that is overwhelming you while you're also hold, you know, using what you know, to navigate it, but then also relenting to it in some way. It's just this, I feel like it's, it's what life is in a lot of ways where you're trying to decide what to hold on to, and what to let go of all the time to be able to go with and use what might feel threatening, but to your advantage to, you know, to be able to navigate the hard parts, knowing there's something else on the other side. So in that way, I think it taught me a lot and gave me a lot of the grit that I use now, to make true the things I want to make true in my own life and work. So when I think about it, in my tying that into my career, the way I've done it as like I see, I see almost my career and the work and the kind of work I've wanted to do. And the rooms I've wanted to be in as like this sort of vast, almost hostile environment that doesn't really want me in it, you know, like the ocean doesn't doesn't make room for you. The ocean says you want to get in this Let's go, you know, it doesn't just like open it up and make it easy and pleasant and Palamon. Exactly, it doesn't do that. So in that way, you know, getting where I want I wanted to go in my career, which you know, I've always been a solopreneur. So it's it's never like, it's never like climbing the ranks inside of a formal corporate structure. It's been more about like, what rooms do I want to be in what projects do I want to be a part of what's the quarter the qualities I want present in the work that I'm doing? What do I want to create next has been like paddling into cold waters. And just using that grit that I learned there, if I'm just going to draw on that metaphor, to make it possible for me to do things like say I'm a first time author, or to be able to say like, I worked on some really high profile projects that even as a secret weapon felt incredibly meaningful and important and like an adventure.


Arthur  28:02

Alright, so we only just we just have this one left. It's, I don't know, it might be the most challenging question of the whole the whole lot. What's next?


Dia Bondi  28:11

Yes, what's next? I would say for me next is to actually relax a little bit. I don't know how I think I answered, this may be an end launch party. And I might be answering it differently now than I did then. But it's kind of like to relax into what I built last year around you know, shipping the book into the world. And I don't mean relax, meaning like not do anything, I just mean. Like, let myself build on that instead of making such a huge stretch. It was such a huge effort, and I'm gonna do it again, it's fine. But this next year, I think, what's next for me is to see what I can do with what I already made. That's what's good. Yeah. And then the next one is to actually thinking about this just as last week is to re examine the way I talk about myself and the world and see if the my identity you know, needs to be updated in a way that meets my next ambition. You know, I talk about myself and I see myself in the world and the way I identify in my ear you know, as a professional, as a coach or as a facilitator or as like how I talk to myself about where I fit in the world in my career in my work my impact if that needs to get upgraded to match where I want to go next. Because sometimes I noticed I tell the same story about who I am over and over again to myself into the world and if that starts to get mismatched with like where I want to be next I need to up great Add to that, I need to upgrade that, or shift it. So that's that's some work of the next season for me.


Arthur  30:05

And when you're moving on to these next things, where do you draw your power from?


Dia Bondi  30:17

This is a, this probably came from nuclear. This is this event came from a woman that I met on my writing retreat. And I'd love this question, because she said it to me before, like, I had heard that from her before. So I'm wondering if it's you, Claire. That I, you know, I draw my power from sort of bravely seeking out connection. I think that's where I feel, well, well, I need a lot of space. And I need a lot of alone time. I need a lot of freedom. In my career. This is why I'm basically unemployable. I have to lead with who I am. Which means, you know, I'm out on my own. Like I don't, I'm not part of a large organization. I've had a boss once in my life that comes with its own liabilities, like that level of freedom that I desire. But I also need a strong sense of recognizable connection. That's why, you know, I have a few very close friends. That's why I'm constantly looking back into my marriage for connection. That's why I use nature as an opportunity to do that. I use the ways in which I connect with my children, even if it's not directly, like recognizing the sweetness of our connection, I do this thing. For my kids regularly, I turn down their beds. But like, even before they're home from wherever they are, my daughter gets home from softball practice at eight o'clock, and she's not gonna go to bed till 1030. But I'm going to turn her bed down. So when she walks into her room, her rooms a total mess, like she's a total pack rat, you know, wreck of a, of a room keeper, ambitious, super disciplined athlete. It's, she's, like, can apply so much discipline there. But then her room was like a wreck. But I'll still go in their way to the dirty clothes and, and, and turn her bed down. And my kids and I don't talk about it. But last year, I think one of them or they both said something that like, it's something they love, and they've always noticed it. Oh, and it's just like, again, it's just these places where I feel connected to them. Even when they're not in front of me. So like, I just moved on their pillow too. Yeah, they probably need one that bad breath knocks getting the the Yeah, the idea like so it's not just necessarily like you and I sitting here right now, in a connected conversation where I feel connected even to you baby a, it's more like, things that make me feel connected to my life. Yeah, I got it. That's, that's where I can draw my power.


Arthur  33:14

Nice. Well, you're gonna be drawn all that power and moving on to all the badass things you're gonna do next year and the year after?


Dia Bondi  33:20

Oh, I hope so we'll see. I know, it'll be like paddling into cold waves day after day. And you kind of love that kind of love. So thank you for that. Thank you for bringing those a good idea to all


Arthur  33:35

the people that submitted them. We don't know exactly who you are. But these were some some great questions.


Dia Bondi  33:48

So we're recording this episode at the end of 2023 and December 2023. And as I look back on these questions, it's really wonderful to use them as opportunities to reflect on important things in my life and the journey that I've had in the last 12 months. And if you're listening to this episode, in April, or June or December of next year, there's always an opportunity for us to look at, you know, the last chunk of work that we've done, the last journey we've been on and then to look at the next one we're setting out on so I'd like to offer you a handful of questions so that you can do your own looking back on your own. Looking forward. On looking back at the last 12 to 18 months. Here are three questions you can use to reflect what goals or pursuits did you have in this last chunk of time? What surprised you about how it all went? And what do you make of that you What did you learn? And now looking forward at the next 12 to 18 months, here are three questions for you to consider. What are your goals or pursuits in the next chunk of time? What are you looking forward to in that pursuit? And how will you keep that alive? And lastly, from where do you draw your power? My wish for you is that you use that as you go to lead with who you are tomorrow.  

Lead With Who You Are is a production of Dia Bondi Communications and discord mixed and produced by Arthur Leon Adams the third. Have a question or an inquiry? Reach out to us at hello@diabondi.com. You can like, share, rate and subscribe at Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your favorite shows. Go to diabondi.com for the shownotes to find our tools, frameworks, content and programs to help you and your team speak powerfully and lead with who you are.